About Us

There are a lot of great churches out there.  We would like to share a piece of our Purpose, Beliefs, and Leadership to help you decide if LifeBridge is the church for you.  If you have questions about anything you read, contact Pastor Bailey – bamtower@greatplainsumc.org.

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“Shared Ministry”
We are two churches in one location because we are stronger together. LifeBridge and Monticello UMCs’ mission is to connect, build, and make disciples of Jesus Christ TOGETHER, in new and transformed ways that meet the ever-changing life of the community. Our hope is to have healthier ministries, greater outreach, and stronger impact in Western Shawnee and Kansas City. 
“New Generations”
We chose words that are common and easily understandable regardless of a person’s duration with faith. LifeBridge’s Purpose is: To Connect New Generations to Jesus’ Love, Path, and Mission. This draws us to emphasize ministries that reach out to children, youth, and their parents. We find that emphasizing ministry to “New Generations” increases the value that those around retirement age and beyond have within the church. We also see “New Generations” as a call to always remain relevant to the situations that people today are facing. The generations who are alive in 2015 experience life differently than 25 years ago. LifeBridge meets people where they are and connects them to Jesus.We are a church who centers our thoughts and actions around Jesus.

Jesus’ Love
– Jesus loves. It is what he does. We want to connect everyone to his Love and not just the “good behavior” that people may connect with being a Christian. We want you to know and feel his Love. It will give you comfort and joy during both hard times and mundane days.

Jesus’ Path –
Jesus loves and his teachings are part of his love. Following Jesus, however difficult, is the best possible way to live and we want to connect you to Jesus’ Path.

Jesus’ Mission
– Jesus’ Mission was about making Earth look more like Heaven. He would heal and feed; eat with the outcasts and laugh with children. Jesus would upset the status quo when the status quo was not good enough. Being part of Jesus’ Mission is the ultimate ‘something bigger’ that we desire to be a part of. Our Purpose is connect you to Jesus’ Mission which includes you connecting more people to Jesus’ Mission.
What is a United Methodist Church?
The United Methodist Church was created in 1968, but can be traced to John Wesley in the 18th century. You can learn more about The United Methodist Church by visiting the official online ministry. Churches and denominations are more alike than they are different. What’s so special about a United Methodist Church? Basically, not much. About 95% of our beliefs you will find in any other church. There are some differences. Here are the highlights.

Same Heart
A United Methodist Church is filled with people with different opinions. That is OK. John Wesley stated “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” We view this diversity as a strength as we promise to love people who may have different views.

We talk about Grace A LOT. Grace refers to the unearned love that God gives us. Some have called it amazing. We do use the word Sin because it is a truthful word. We use it, however, as the backdrop of a larger, fulfilling message about Grace.


All people are created equal. The United Methodist Church is the largest denomination that ordains women as pastors. We are proud of that distinction. The equality of all people is a defining characteristic of a United Methodist Church.

Science is a trustworthy source for understanding God and God’s world. God is never insecure about people finding truth. We can learn from science and allow it to teach us about topics like mental health, the environment, addictions, and the universe.

The Bible
The Bible is inspired by God at a magnitude unmatched by other books. It also is formed by authors who were products of their time and location. The Bible is worth our attention and struggle. In its pages we can learn about God and know how to live under God’s Love.
We believe God calls everyone to be part of something great.  We have amazing leaders and helpers who live out part of that exciting calling at LifeBridge.   While they are a bit camera shy, we want to share their names and a bit of what they do.
Bailey Amtower – Reverend, Pastor, Teacher and Friend. Bailey loves all things church from our beliefs to walking with people. She will teach you that Jesus is always the answer! 
Palmer Davidson – Worship Leader & Youth Director. Palmer has the energy with or without caffeine to be ready for each Sunday. He helps connect the music with our worship to God! And he has a passion to connect with the youth with their faith journey.
Ashley Ozment –
 Children and Youth Leader.  Ashley is the adult that kids, middle & high schoolers want to talk to. Maybe it is because she’s has respect for all of God’s kids. She is excited to hangout with everyone and always makes them feel included!
Kristen Rooney – Church Council Chair – understands how to empower the people to continue building God’s kingdom here on earth, just as it is in heaven. Plus she loves this church, this community and this town! 
Eric Tibbetts – Sunday Mornings Coordinator and Board of Trustee Representative. Eric and his team make sure Sundays are awesome for you. Always willing to be flexible when Pastor Bailey has a crazy idea!
Kelly Panovich and Roberta Harris –are our SPRC representatives(fancy church term for communicators) will pray with you and for you. Their team works with Pastor Bailey to make sure you don’t have to go through anything alone. They are like superheroes whose superpower is compassion.
Cindy Alexander – Finance Chairperson. Cindy and her team see to it that the most good can come out of what people generously give to God through LifeBridge.  She is so nice, you will wonder how she can be so good with numbers, too.
Dianne Edgecomb – Lay Leader and awesome hugger! Dianne is willing to serve, greet, participate, pray with you, and will be there to help encourage in all ways! 
Judy Hamner – Secretary – Judy asks the important questions! She engages to make sure we are working towards our mission and living out our values. She greets, she serves, she loves to worship! 
Emily Benlon – At Large Representative – Emily helps us connect with young families. She reminds us that busy parents are needing lots of love and support! 
If you want to join the mission and join the fun, email Pastor Bailey – bamtower@greatplainsumc.org.